Tony Meier
Eastside Realtor
Here is this week’s installment featuring the pathetic photographic skills of my colleagues here in the Northwest.
Where do I start?!? Okay, how about the bad HDR (High Dynamic Range) processing. The light and dark spots all over the photo… bad, bad, bad! The sky looks cool, but otherwise this looks like something out of a book on what not to do with HDR.
Next, how about those converging lines? They could have been easily fixed within a few seconds in Photoshop. All around this is just a BAD photo and the seller’s chances of sale suffer in direct result of this!
If you are going to use HDR, which I do on most of my exterior shots it should like this –
I shot this home yesterday. Not the nicest of days, but you will notice a decent sky, good dynamic range with light and dark areas being revealed and none of the obvious flaws the previous photo shows. This Redmond rambler just went on the market today. You can view the rest of the photos at
If you are ready to sell your home and would like top notch photos showcasing it, give me a call. It is part of my service and I will make sure your home stands out! You can check out my work for my home sellers at:
If you’re an agent reading this and you would like to learn how to take better photos, check out
Posted By:
Tony Meier
Eastside & Seattle Realtor
Seattle's Eastside Real Estate Resource