By: Tony Meier
Redmond Realtor
Springtime… a time to enjoy your senses. The joys of watching baseball…. The sound of the birds chirping in the trees… The wonderful smells from the BBQ…. The sound of construction trucks… The smell of hot asphalt! Ahh… yes it is springtime!
Yes, springtime is paving season in the Northwest. This year… the King County DOT crews are busy working on many of the streets on English Hill. They are cutting out sunken areas and around the landscaped islands where the tree roots have buckled the asphalt. Once the holes are filled, they will be paving over the streets.
When completed we will have glistening black streets… a skate boarder or roller blader’s dream! Hopefully they will be done before springtime ends, so we can get back to the sights and smells we have come to love about this time of year in the Northwest! 🙂
For more details on the English Hill neighborhoods including – Crown Heights, Wyndham Knoll, Mont Clare Estates, Mont Clare Woods, Langtree Estates, Hollymere, Glenterra, Olde Morrision, Hampshire, Amberley, Coventry, Sheffield & Park Avenue go to
Tony Meier
Redmond Realtor
Seattle’s Eastside Real Estate Resource